Set Operations

This program generates the intersection, union, relative composition, cross product, and power set, of given input (which generates the sets the operations are performed on.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
std::vector<std::string> createSet(void); // creates set from user input
std::vector<std::string> getIntersection(std::vector<std::string> set_A, 
	std::vector<std::string> set_B); // gets intersection of two sets
std::vector<std::string> getUnion(std::vector<std::string> set_A, 
	std::vector<std::string> set_B); // gets union of two sets
std::vector<std::string> getRelativeComp(std::vector<std::string> set_A, 
	std::vector<std::string> set_B); // generates relative comp of sets
std::vector<std::string> getCrossProduct(std::vector<std::string> set_A, 
	std::vector<std::string> set_B); // gets cross product of sets
void powerSet(std::vector<std::string> passedSet); // generates and prints
void printSet(std::vector<std::string> passedSet); // prints a set
int main(void)

	std::vector<std::string> set_A = createSet();
	std::vector<std::string> set_B = createSet();
	std::vector<std::string> setBuff;
	std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> powerBuff;

	setBuff = getIntersection(set_A, set_B);
	std::cout << "\nPrinting intersection now: ";

	setBuff = getUnion(set_A, set_B);
	std::cout << "\nPrinting union now: ";

	setBuff = getRelativeComp(set_A, set_B);
	std::cout << "\nPrinting relative complement A and B: ";

	setBuff = getRelativeComp(set_B, set_A);
	std::cout << "\nPrinting relative complement of B and A: ";

	setBuff = getCrossProduct(set_A, set_B);
	std::cout << "\nPrinting cross product of A and B: ";


	return 0;
std::vector<std::string> createSet(void)
	std::string eleBuff;

	std::cout << "\nPlease enter elements for the set, enter quit "
		      << " when finished: ";

	std::getline(std::cin, eleBuff);
	// Create stringstream to split by whitespace
	std::stringstream ss(eleBuff);
	std::istream_iterator begin(ss);
	std::istream_iterator end;
	std::vector setBuff(begin, end);
	std::copy(setBuff.begin(), setBuff.end(), 
		std::ostream_iterator(std::cout, "\n"));
	std::sort(setBuff.begin(), setBuff.end());
	// Erase duplicates
	setBuff.erase(unique(setBuff.begin(), setBuff.end()), setBuff.end());

	return setBuff;
void printSet(std::vector<std::string> setBuff)

	std::cout << "{ ";
	for(auto it = setBuff.begin(); it != setBuff.end(); it++)
		std::cout << (*(it));
		if((it+1) != setBuff.end())
			std::cout << ", "; // comma delimiting
	std::cout << " }\nCardinality: " << setBuff.size(); // cardinality is size

std::vector getIntersection(std::vector<std::string> set_A, 
	std::vector<std::string> set_B)

	for(auto it = set_A.begin(); it != set_A.end();)
		auto foundIt = find(set_B.begin(), set_B.end(), (*(it))); 
		// if the found iterator is at the end, we know it's not found
		if(foundIt == set_B.end())
			set_A.erase(it); // it advances by erasing
		else // advance forward

	return set_A;
std::vector getUnion(std::vector<std::string> set_A, 
	std::vector<std::string> set_B)
	std::vector<std::string> setBuff = set_A; // set equal to one of the sets

	for(auto it = set_B.begin(); it != set_B.end(); it++) // iterate through
		// search other set for element
		auto foundIt = find(set_A.begin(), set_A.end(), (*(it))); 

		if(foundIt == set_A.end()) // if it is not found
			setBuff.push_back((*(it))); // push it back

	std::sort(setBuff.begin(), setBuff.end()); // sort
	return setBuff;
std::vector<std::string> getRelativeComp(std::vector<std::string> set_A, 
	std::vector<std::string> set_B)
	for(auto it : set_B)
		auto foundIt = find(set_A.begin(), set_A.end(), it);

		if(foundIt != set_A.end()) // If the element is found
			set_A.erase(foundIt); // erase to create complement

	return set_A;
std::vector getCrossProduct(std::vector<std::string> set_A, 
	std::vector<std::string> set_B)
	std::vector<std::string> setBuff;
	std::string elementBuff;

	for(auto aIt : set_A)
		for(auto bIt : set_B)
			setBuff.push_back("{ " + aIt + ", " + bIt + " }");
	return setBuff;
void powerSet(std::vector<std::string> passedSet)

	// Prints the roster of the powerset
	std::vector<std::vector> powerSet;
	std::vector<std::string> setBuff;
	unsigned long long size = 0;

	for(auto eleIt : passedSet)
		if(powerSet.size() == 0) // push back the first element

			size = powerSet.size();
			for(unsigned long long i = 0; i < size; i++) // iterate through
				setBuff = powerSet[i];

				setBuff.push_back(eleIt); // addend
				std::sort(setBuff.begin(), setBuff.end()); // sort by value

			setBuff.push_back(eleIt); // push back the original element

	setBuff.push_back("{ }"); // push back the null set

	std::cout << std::endl;
	std::sort(powerSet.begin(), powerSet.end());

	for(auto firstIt : powerSet) // This one is kind of long, so new line
		for(auto secondIt : firstIt)
			std::cout << secondIt << " ";
		std::cout << "\n";
	// cardinality is just the 2^size
	std::cout << "\nPower set cardinality: " << pow(2, passedSet.size()) << 

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