Prime factor finder

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>

int main(void)
	// ull is large data type to input large numbers
	unsigned long long inputNumb, sieveMax;
	// for holding found numbers; easy way to sort ascending
	std::vector<unsigned long long> foundNumbers;
	// flag for ending division in prime factorization
	bool divided;

	std::cout << "Please enter a number to check for and list prime factors\n";

	std::cin >> inputNumb;

	// Use sieveMax for both ease of reading and to save as lvalue
	sieveMax = inputNumb + 1;

	// Fill bit vector with 1's, indicating a prime number
	std::vector<bool> numberList(sieveMax, true);

	for(unsigned long long i = 3; i < sieveMax; i++)
		if((i & 0x1) && numberList[i] == true)
			// Iterate through list by multiples of the current sieve seed
			for(unsigned long long j = (i*2); j < sieveMax; j += i)
				// If it is currently considered prime
				if((j & 0x1) && numberList[j] == true)
					// Set it to false due to found factor
					numberList[j] = false;
	// Factor can't be greater than half
	sieveMax /= 2;

	// If it is odd (due to skipped evens) and set as true
	if(((inputNumb == 2) || (inputNumb & 0x1)) && numberList[inputNumb])
		std::cout << inputNumb << " is prime\n";
	// If it is not prime...
		std::cout << std::endl << "The prime factors of " << inputNumb << " are:\n";
		// While it is still being factored
		while(inputNumb != 0)
			// Set flag for for conditions
			divided = false;
			// increment through prime sieve
			for(unsigned long long i = 2; !divided; i++)
				// If it is 2, or it is odd, and it is set as prime
				// and modulus to 0
				if( ((i == 2) || (i & 0x1)) && numberList[i] && ((inputNumb % i) == 0))
					// Divide to continue factoring
					inputNumb = (inputNumb / i);
					// Push back found factor for sorting and output
					// Break loop condition
					divided = true;
				// Sievemax is half the value of input number
				else if(i > sieveMax)
					// Set it to 0 to break while loop, as no more
					// prime factors exist
					inputNumb = 0;
					divided = true;
	// Sort the found factors ascending
	std::sort(foundNumbers.begin(), foundNumbers.end());
	// Iterate through the found numbers, and output
	for(auto it : foundNumbers)
		std::cout << it << "\n";
	return 0;


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